1. Need some help playing Hurdle?

    This application aims at helping to beat Hurdle [1], which is a Wordle [2] meets Mastermind [3] game. You can try out Hurdle Solver here. …

  2. Yet another year ended with Advent of Code

    As already described in previous year’s post about Advent of Code [1], it is an advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language. Some people use it for programming practice, others as a speed contest or to challenge each other. I’m interested in creating the most efficient algorithm, while keeping the code as clean and readable as possible. Additionally, I like learning new techniques and python tricks while doing so! …

  3. Extracting Wikipedia dumps to Postgres

    This article is about my python tool that extracts Wikipedia dumps from your local system or online, and imports them into Postgres [1]. It’s easy to use and insanely fast. …

  4. Challenging yourself with Advent of Code

    Advent of Code [1] is an advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language. Every day from the first of December until the first day of Christmas a new challenge is released on the website. Some people use them for programming practice while others are using it as a speed contest or to challenge each other. …

  5. Take a look at image processing!

    Everyone reading this has proably opened Photoshop at least once. Ever wondered how the filters works? This application demonstrates several relatively simple image processing techniques. …

  6. Finding paths can be fun!

    Ever wondered how path finding techniques actually work? This is a demo application showing the steps of the A* algorithm [1]. …

  7. Tic-tac-toe on steriods

    Ultimate Tic-tac-toe is a variant on the famous Tic-tac-toe game. Creating one line of three symbols is not enough now! This is a game that is simple to play yet difficult to master. Try to beat the AI and enjoy the awesome animation effects. …

  8. It always starts with a game of Tic-tac-toe...

    Who doesn’t know the game of Tic-tac-toe [1]? This time you are floating in space and need to play the game to survive. Enjoy this simple but interesting game while being treated with awesome visual effects. …

  9. Solving Blokus 3D using WPF

    Back in 2012 I went to a job interview for a position as AI software developer in .NET at CX Company. Because I never programmed in C# before, I decided to create a solver for Blokus 3D. It is my very first C# application. …

  10. Ming Mang, the ancient abstract board game from Tibet

    The application demonstrated in this post was created as part of the Intelligent Search Techniques course of the Artificial Intelligence Master at the University of Maastricht in 2011. The AI implemented in the application uses an alpha-beta framework, with enhancements in the form of a transposition table, move ordering techniques, search reductions, search extensions and an automatic opening book creation. …


My name is Colin Schepers and I’m a software engineer and problem solver during the day. During the night I’m an expert in sleeping. When I'm not behind my computer, I like to travel, play squash, go running, play video games and go to social events.

I graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Knowledge Engineering from Maastricht University in 2010, and two years later I received my Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence. I started working as full-time software developer and researcher at CX Company, where I developed a wide range of skills due to high expectations in deployability and flexibility; from C#, Python and JavaScript to RavenDB, MSSQL and Azure. I helped setting up the software platform DigitalCX from scratch, I learned to write quality code, create unit and integration tests, and experienced working together in a multicultural team. As part of the R&D team, I developed many small scale AI applications using algorithms in the field of Text Mining, Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning.

In 2020 I decided to start a new challenge at the Netherlands Forensic Institute in the Hague, where I would join the team Forensic Big Data Analysis. My background in AI and working experience in software development is put to test here, and I'm learning a lot from the skilled data scientists in my team. The projects I work on include Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Data Analysis, Speech Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Image Detection, and more.

During the course of my career I also worked on several side projects, individually or with friends. For fun, I also enjoy creating this website, the projects you can find on my github and solving programming challenges like Codingame or Advent of Code.

Check out my other resources in the navigation menu for more about me and my work.